Calculation of requisitions, orders and forecasts, using factors like average monthly
consumption, wastage rate, actual stock and custom
variables, allowing users to make manual adjustments when needed.
Reporting & alerts
Medexis boasts a sophisticated array of reporting features designed to empower users
with comprehensive insights and facilitate informed decision-making in logistics.
Replenishment Management
Automated or manual replenishment, driven by real-time consumption and stock data,
for push and pull procurement models and product bundles.
Order Fulfilment
Automation of inventory allocation based on FEFO (or FIFO), prioritizing
first-to-expire items and excluding any expired inventory.
Receipt of Packages
Scanning or minimal-click registration and receipt of health commodities allowing
comprehensive inventory management and consumption tracking .
Inter-facility transfer
Empowerings health facilities and supervisory structures to coordinate the
redistribution of health commodities to better meet demand.